The Hound on the Hunt

Hi my name is Ellen Thompson-Jennings and I’m the Family History Hound. In fact you may have been or seen my site Family History Hound and Shop the Hound.

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My interest in family history began when I was in my teens. It was at that time that I sat with my 93-year-old great-grandmother;  Alice Elizabeth Oliver nee Clark and asked her question that I’d found in a genealogy “how to book”.  I worked on my genealogy for a while but that was back in the days of “snail mail” and there wasn’t an internet super highway like we have today. Life got busy with kids and jobs and the next thing you know it’s 30 years later.

nana  Alice Elizabeth Oliver nee Clark

That was 15 years ago and  I realized that my family was grown and now I had time to do this. It was that realization that changed my life. How so?  Well, first of all I joined the Alberta Genealogical Society and then I took an introductory course in genealogy. Then I started reading everything I could get my hands on; books, magazines and posts on the internet.

I was doing this every waking hour that I wasn’t working at my “pay the bills” job. It had become my passion.

I won’t tell you the whole story because I want to save some of it for later. But I do want to tell you that I’d like to pass on my passion. Even though it’s 15 years later I still can’t get enough knowledge about genealogy and/or family history and that brings me to my blog.

Whether your new to genealogy or have been doing it for a while its my hope that I can give you information that you can use to help you with your own family story.

So I hope you follow along and you too become a Hound on the Hunt.

5 thoughts on “The Hound on the Hunt

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! I’ve only been at it for 15 months,but it has become about as addictive as genealogy itself. Best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are a woman after my own heart. I love family history, and really history of any kind. I joined but could only go so far. I only got names and dates of births, deaths etc, no info on the actual people. I would love to know how to get started on finding out more history about my family- where to go for that etc.


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